Bio-inspired Ingredents

Bio-inspired Ingredents

Bio-inspired Ingredents

What are bio-inspired ingredients?

●The components are similar to those found in the human body.
●The components include elements found in the human body and are therefore similar to the components found in the human body.  

Amino Acid-derived Components

freeplus uses amino acid derivatives.
Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, are present in the human body.


Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B.
Vitamins are important nutrients that support various reactions in the body.


Lecithin is a component of living cells and is therefore essential to the human body. It is a substance in which phosphoric acid and lipids are bound together. Naturally occurring Lecithin consists of a mixture of several types of phospholipids, collectively called “Lecithin.” Phospholipids are amphiphilic; they have sections that are water soluble and sections that are oil soluble. As a result, phospholipids are compatible with both water and oil.





Squalane is a derivative of squalene, which exists in human sebum and is essential for creating the skin’s moisture barrier. Because squalene is prone to oxidative deterioration, squalane - its hydrogenated and stabilized version, is used in our formula.


Glycerin is a component that is found in the stratum corneum of the human skin. It has the property of binding easily with water.

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